As purpose...
Speak, on taste and color friend no - but truth system Integrator will approach you and on taste and on color.
This creation, management, deskside, analysis and checking data, simplification of the complex processes, outside of dependencies from that what this data and processes, be this bankrolls, material value, human facility, production or commercial process.
Automatically appears the question of the remote work with data, accompaniments these data, work with data by client, exchange data? All this is provided and incorporated as a part system.
As it was got reach the delivered purposes...
You ask as it was got unite such absolutely different functional? Use most progressive and unique technology has brought about creation ON new generations, which unites and simplifies the complex processes and work with data.
As used programming language was chose PHP ("Pre Hypertext Processor" - "preliminary processor of the hypertext") with accompaniment of the visual subsystem and subsystems of the work with the database Integrator.
Why exactly on?
1. To Connect three not compatible poetries creation скриптов, development of exhibits and web.
2. This simple in study, but very powerful language.
3. He well отлажен and works without malfunctions.
4. Multiplatform, has brushed against in future.
Also, was designed very simple in study, but also powerful visual subsystem. To example for creation of exhibit or violin with standard interface Windows necessary whole 7 the function. However from this he does not yield the language high level and programmer will be able to Create difficulty exhibit, including such problems such as own отрисовку element control.
But subsystem of the work with database Integrator provides practically automated entering-conclusion information.